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The VoIP system is integrated with CRM, which gives an ability to call by just pressing the button. The call will be automatically recorded, and all data will be synced from the phone system to your CRM base.
Auto Dialer
No more time-consuming actions
Everything becomes digitalised, even phone calls. A special software auto dialer will automate the dialling process to refine customer communication. The auto dialer’s primary purpose is to prevent hang-ups and increase revenue in this way.
How does it work?
When an auto dialer wants to make calls, the system is automatically based on an algorithm for the best routing. The call is routed to the auto dialer's softphone if the system connects to a client.
Real-Time Dashboard
Everything is at hand
How does it work?
Use real-time statistics to track and analyse various indicators: who and when called the auto dialer, how long the dialogue lasted, and so on.
Use real-time statistics to track and analyse various indicators: who and when called the auto dialer, how long the dialogue lasted, and so on.
It makes it possible to control all call centres in 5 clicks by your manager. You can monitor, intercept, terminate, whisper to your auto dialer or barge in the online call.
All automatically recorded calls listed in the Dashboard, named and dated. The user is always able to play the record right from the list.