Plugged Team CRM with numerous options for efficient organising

Your single answer for multiple questions.

Efficiently manage your relationships with customers.
What can our CRM system do?

Improves the process of filling out forms and sending reports
Increases the quality of analytical data and reporting
Maximises upselling and cross-selling
Creates and maintain loyal customers
Increases sales
and revenues

Stay super effective with Integrated
CRM features

Telephone, Email, Live Chat, Webinar, SMS - all under a single roof.

Collect, upload, save and share documents in one place.

Forecast sales - our CRM predicts future sales or estimated revenue based on historical and current data/trends.

Virtual Terminal - accept electronic payments via phone, email, or in-person!

Customise CRM for your needs and issues

Individual work dashboard
Keep news, protocols, statistics, and targets close at your fingertips. Keep informed about any changes, with rich-informative push notifications.
Predetermined auto workflow
Create workflows that trigger activities or provide follow-up reminders for future actions to automate repetitive tasks.
BI reports
Reach your goals with improved Business Intelligence. Use individual key figure cockpits, and sales funnel while forecasting assessments! Increase productivity with vast and highly customisable data analysis tools.
Internal chat system
Keep in touch with your team! Communicate with colleagues, share documents, exchange information, respond directly with the push-messages feature.
Data notification
Adjust notifications to your preferences! Receive all critical alerts instantly - from new leads to neglected cases.

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